How to Switch your .php Web Application from php 5x to php 7x and Vise Versa ( Windows Hosting )

Dear Sir.

By default your .php web application is set to utilize the .php 5x However, you can switch your .php Web Application to .php 7x  or 8x from inside your Control Panel. Below is how to do so. Please following the same steps if you want to switch your application back to .php 7x

How to Switch your .php Web Application from php 5x to php 7x

1) Log into your Control Panel
2) Click on the "Web Sites" icon
3) Click on the website link for which you want to use .php 7x or 8x
4) Click on the "Extentions" tab
5) Select php 7x or 8x and click the "save Changes" button to save.

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