How to setup your Roundcube email on Android Devices

To setup Roundcube Email on an Android Device.

Note: Replace your with your real domain.

From the home screen, tap Applications > Settings > Accounts & sync > Add account > Manual setup.
On the Incoming settings screen, in the Protocol drop-down menu, select POP3. .
In the Email address and Username text boxes, enter your full e-mail address, for example, and then select Next. Your user name is the same as your e-mail address.
In the Password text box, enter your password.
In the POP3 server text box, enter your IPOP server name as
In the Security type drop-down menu, select None
For incoming Server port, select 110 for POP3
On the Outgoing server settings screen, the Login required option should be selected for you, and the Username and Password text boxes should be filled in.
In the Security type drop-down menu, select None
In then the SMTP server text box, enter the SMTP server name as
For outgoing server port, select 25 for POP3
In the Account name, text box, enter a name your account. In the Your name text box, enter the name you want displayed when you send e-mail to others (Your Full Name ), and then select Finish Setup.

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