How to Upload your Website using File Manager or FTP

You can upload your website in two ways.

Option 1: File Manager
You can upload your Website by using the "File Manager" icon inside your Control Panel.  From the "File Manager" you should browse to the folder for your domain name, inside that folder there is another folder called "wwwroot" folder.  Use the "Upload" button to upload your Website files into the "wwwroot" folder.  Please delete the default "index.htm" page that is inside your "wwwroot" folder as that page is the default Under Contruction page.

Option 2: FTP
You can upload\downlod your Website by using an FTP Client Software.  There are many Free FTP Client Software on the Internet.  A good free FTP Client Software is called FileZilla.  The FileZilla FTP Client download link is here: Below are the FTP account information for your website.  Use these information to connect with FileZilla.

FTP Host:
Host Directory: [Leave this blank]
Login: Your Control Panel User Name
Password: Your Control Panel Password

Please ensure that you upload your website files into the "wwwroot" folder that is inside the folder for your domain name.  Only files that are uploaded into the "wwwroot" folder will be displayed when people browse to your website. Please delete the default "index.htm" page that is inside your "wwwroot" folder as that page is the default Under Contruction page.

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