How to set "Write Permissions" to Files and Folders

By default and for security reasons, all the folders in your web hosting space are read-only. For your application to write files to your web hosting space, you must set "Write Permissions" on the desired folder. You can set the "Write Permissions" for a file or folder from inside the "File Manager" tool in your Control Panel. Below are instructions:

How to enable "Write Permissions" from your Control Panel

  1. Log into your Control Panel
  2. Click on the "File Manager" icon
  3. Browse to the folder where you want your application to upload your files
  4. Click on the small padlock icon that is beside each file or folder
  5. Select the option for setting "Write" permission
  6. Click the "Set Permissions" button. You are done!

Please set "Write Permissions" on only the folder that you need it for, that way you don't open up security holes on other folders.

An alternative way to change the "Write Permissions" of your website is to assign Write Permissions to an entire website (which includes all existing folders and any newly created folders). Instructions on how to do so is below.

How to Assign "Write Permissions" to an Entire Website

  1. Log into your Control Panel.
  2. Select the "Web" icon
  3. Then select the "Web Sites" menu
  4. Click on the link for the particular website that you want to change its permissions
  5. Select the options for "Enable Write Permissions"
  6. Click the "Update" button to save it.

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