How to Configure Joomla to Send Emails

Our Email Server requires SMTP authentication for PHP Email. The regular PHP Mail function does not use SMTP authentication would not work.  As such, you have to configure your Joomla website to use SMTP Authentication. Also, the Sender of the Email address must be a valid email address that is hosted on our server (your domain email).

If you have not yet created an email at your domain, please do so first, then use the email that you created at your domain for the following SMTP configuration steps for your Joomla website. Please visit How to Create Email Accounts and Check WebMail.

How to Configure Joomla to use SMTP Authentication with your Domain Email


  1. Log into your Joomla Admin in order to configure Joomla to use SMTP.
  2. Select the menus: Site -> Control Panel -> Global Configurations
  3. Look in the bottom right hand corner for "Mail Settings"
  4. In the  "Mail Settings" do the following and Save.


Mailer: Select "SMTP Server"
Mail From: [Put your valid email address that is hosted on our server]
From Name: [Put your company name or company name]
Sendmail Path: [Leave Blank]
STMP Authentication: Select "Yes"
SMTP User Name: [Put the same valid email address that is hosted on our server]
SMTP Password: [Put your email password here]
SMTP Host: [ - Please make sure use the SMTP address that matches the domain where Joomla is installed]

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